Friday, July 26, 2024

Toubab Dialaw

One of the joys of living in Dakar is how easy it is to go to the beach!  In addition to beaches right in the city, a short drive brings you to a number of nearby beach towns.  Recently, I visited one called Toubab Dialaw.  I started my afternoon with cocktails and grilled fish at a beachside restaurant.  I stayed several hours at the beach, relaxing, reading, and people-watching alongside others enjoying a beautiful summer afternoon.

Swimmers at Toubab Dialaw Beach

As the sun began to set, I made my way to my hotel, the quirky Sobo Badè.  The compound is comprised of multiple buildings decorated with extensive mosaics and topped with thatched dome roofs.  Wandering the grounds was a visual adventure all its own!  I reached my room by climbing an exterior spiral staircase.  And I fell asleep to the calming rhythm of the waves breaking just below me.

Sobo Badè Hotel

The following morning, I had a leisurely breakfast and enjoyed more of the ambience of Sobo Badè.  The hotel is perched on a cliff overlooking the ocean, offering a more serene experience than the bustling beach the day before.  Too soon, I had to leave the tranquility and return to Dakar.  But I will savor the memories of my quick beach getaway!

The perfect archway for selfies!

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